Port of San Francisco DEI Internal Communications Strategy

How D&A Helped Celebrate the Beauty of Diversity
The Port of San Francisco (Port) is a public enterprise agency of the City and County of San Francisco, responsible for 7.5 miles of waterfront from Hyde Street Pier in the north to India Basin in the south. It is a significant hub for maritime trade, tourism, and recreation, managing the waterfront properties, waterfront land, and commercial activities. Creating an equitable waterfront for everyone is a key part of the Port’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, which led the Port to create a Clued into Culture program for its employees. The Equity goal outlines actions to provide opportunities for people of color and welcome diverse communities in its internal operations and business opportunities. These actions will work in concert with the Port’s Racial Equity Action Plan to create a more equitable organization and waterfront.
The Challenge
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) have become critical focus areas for organizations worldwide, recognizing the far-reaching benefits of fostering an inclusive workplace, and the Port is no exception. With more than 300 employees, the Port aimed to create a deeper connection with its diverse staff members by cultivating a welcoming, fair, and equitable work environment.
The Goal
The Clued into Culture program set out to engage Port staff by celebrating a diverse workplace and elevating a connection between people and communities. The goal was to ensure all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds, identities, or abilities, felt respected and valued via an emphasis on DEI.
The Strategy
D&A developed a DEI communications strategy and implementation plan designed to champion the history and significance of BIPOC and LGBTQ+ history at the Port and the surrounding Bay Area. With rich storytelling and timely feature stories, D&A developed a year-long series entitled, Clued into Culture to recognize and celebrate diversity and begin normalizing conversations about race and equity within the Port. From The Universal Declaration of Human Rights to How the Watts Rebellion Inspired Kwanzaa, D&A delivered compelling and original content that successfully engaged Port stakeholders, raised awareness, and celebrated the diverse histories of the people with whom they work side by side.
The Impact
In all, D&A developed 21 original pieces of content that aligned and upheld the City and the Port’s recognized history of progressive integration and its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Clued into Culture integrated series worked to champion racial equity and enhance the organization’s reputation as a fair and equal place to work—lending a voice and platform to marginalized and under-represented BIPOC communities.
original pieces of content
diverse staff reached