Author name: Davis Impact

The Gamble Over the Future of Indigenous People in California

Come November, Californians will vote on two ballot measures designed to bring greater economic prosperity to Native Americans, however both are not only controversial, they raise questions about the meaning of true equity and independence for state tribes. Where Proposition 26 would expand and legalize other kinds of gambling for the major tribes that already

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Democracy is at Stake

This past week has been a real whirlwind in my household — besides feeling excitement and pride as my teenage daughter FINALLY returns to in-person learning after a year at home, I must admit I also feel a sense of tremendous anxiety. You see, next week, September 14, is California’s Gubernatorial recall election and although

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Why My Fight for Equity Continues

I entered 2021 with a renewed sense of hope and optimism; after a tumultuous four years, we’d just elected our first African and Asian-American vice president. Our new president made the COVID pandemic and the ensuing vaccine a priority for all Americans. However, knowing that our country was deeply divided. I still felt a sense

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